

As president, the main responsibility is to organize the section’s yearly goals, plan general and officer meetings, support each officer in their duties, and grow the organization in these objectives.  

Avg. hours per week: 10 

  • Drive the organization in a direction that promotes growth, collaboration, and outreach. 
  • Verify that the section remains in good standings with the National organization. 
  • Participate in all required activities by national and regional headquarters such as conference calls held by the Region Collegiate Representative. 
  • Verify that bylaws are up to date and the National Committee has approved them. 
  • Organize and conduct meetings. 
  • Recruit speakers to fill meeting schedule. 
  • Schedule tours and socials for members.  
  • Make room reservations for all general meetings and executive board meetings. 
  • Keep the section on track by delegation of responsibilities through officers. 
  • Meet with section counselor and advisor to validate semester schedule (Attendance of VP recommended). 
  • Update T-drive and Student Org Lab Access List, as necessary. 
  • Consult the Treasurer to determine budget status each month as necessary. 
  • Maintain status as a collegiate section through the SWE website, working with treasurer to complete forms. 
  • Maintain status as a student organization through SLICE. 
  • Fill out SLICE application and attend mandatory SLICE meeting. 

Vice President:  

The main role of the VP is to coordinate the attendance of the CSU SWE section to the Global SWE and Local SWE conferences and schedule all travel. Additionally, the vice president is to assist the President in section responsibilities as needed.  

Avg. hours per week required: 1.5 

  • Oversee all travel arrangements to Global (WE22) and Local Conferences (WE Local). 
  • Work with the President to establish yearly and semester goals, and communicate on section priorities. 
  • Assume all the responsibility of the President when the President is unavailable.  


The main role of the Secretary’s to maintain records of the entire SWE section, keep meeting minutes and attendance, and maintain the contact information for all collegiate members and professional affiliates.  

Avg. hours per week required: 2-3 

  • Keep the meeting minutes at officer meetings and share in Teams Drive. 
  • Keep, update, and maintain the Teams Drive as necessary. 
  • Take attendance at all meetings and events including fundraising events without a monetary contribution (eg. Race Volunteering) 
  • Write thank you letters for sponsorship and guest speakers at general meetings. 
  • Collaborate with section President as needed when applying to section awards. 
  • Retain and continuously update an electronic mailing list with mailing and contact information for speakers, EWI employers, alumni, etc. for use in Fundraising and Publicity mailings. 
  • Develop spreadsheets to organize membership retention numbers (statistics). 
  • Coordinate with Activities Coordinator and President to prepare for Evening with Industry including but not limited to:  
  • Making business cards for officers 
  • Writing thank you letters to sponsors 
  • Oversee taking attendance at Evening with Industry. 
  • Assist President in writing, submitting, and making amended changes to Section Bylaws and Constitution when necessary. 
  • Make business cards for all people going to National and Regional conferences. 
  • Update T-drive at the end of each academic year 
  • T:\Student_Orgs\swe 
  • Might need to submit a ticket to ETS to get access 

Fundraising Coordinator:   

The main role of the Fundraising Coordinator is to research, plan, and host fundraisers to bring in money to support the section’s events. This position entails working with the President and Treasurer to determine the needs of the section and what types of fundraisers should be planned. 

Avg. hours per week required: 2 

  • Communicate with the President, VP, and Treasurer regarding fundraising goals at the beginning of each semester. 
  • The fundraising coordinator will work with the Publicity Coordinator to create the Employer Letter, which will then be distributed to company contacts for donations and invitation to engage. 
  • Coordinate any non-corporate fundraising activities as requested by a 2/3 majority vote of officers during the term. The coordinator will gather volunteers, communicate with the fundraiser host, and figure out mode of transportation. 
  • Request funding for SWE Conference from ASCSU, and submit SWE National Grants and Rocky Mountain Section grants as needed. 
  • Work with the Publicity coordinator to recruit support and volunteers for fundraisers as needed. 
  • Collaborate with the President, Treasurer, and the outreach committees to fill out the PDG grant. 

Publicity Coordinator:   

The publicity coordinator has the important responsibility of advertising and promoting all SWE events across its multiple platforms to recruit members, attendees, attention, and company employee involvement. This position primarily uses CSU SWE’s social media to accomplish these goals and collaborates with all other officers to design flyers to advertise events. 

Avg. hours per week required: 2  

  • Utilize CSU SWE’s social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to promote SWE and other DPE org events, communicate with members, and maintain employer contact. 
  • Utilize Canva to create and design event flyers.  
  • Make sure all events are publicized on the SWE white board on CSU’s campus. 
  • Effectively advertise Evening with Industry and other section events using flyers, social media, and by communicating with the ESC to put the event on school computers. 
  • Maintain the SWE website and update it throughout the year. 
  • Create, at the end of each semester, a newsletter highlighting SWE section activities and triumphs.  
  • Work conjunctly with the President and Secretary to distribute the newsletter accordingly.  

Introduce a Girl to Engineering (IAGE) Day Coordinator: 

This position is all about running our largest outreach event of the year. The main responsibilities of the IAGE coordinator include recruiting and organizing the planning committee, running the committee meetings, making executive event decisions, and leading the event the day of. This is a great position for developing leadership and organizational skills.  

Avg. hours per week required: 3-4 

  • Assume role of project manager of the CSU SWE Introduce a Girl to Engineering Event 
  • Assemble and lead a team for this event 
  • Communicate and utilize the rest of the main CSU SWE officer team regarding the needs and progress of the event planning.  

Outreach Coordinator: 

This position will be new next year but has been created to fulfill the role of a true Outreach Coordinator, whereas the previous Outreach Coordinator was just responsible for hosting IAGE, and that has been renamed. This position is all about utilizing the Fort Collins community to hold smaller outreach events at local K-12 schools, teaming up with other established STEM programs to offer help, or volunteering for the community. This position allows for large creative freedom and involves working with the rest of the officers to determine the best outreach strategy to encourage younger students to aim for STEM careers and promote the mission of SWE. 

Avg. hours per week required: 3 

  • Communicate with President and officer team to set clear outreach objectives at beginning on school year. 
  • Define new opportunities to connect with other SWE sections or other K-12 programs, such as SWENext or GSTEM. 
  • Assume responsibilities to coordinating, promoting, and organizing section outreach to the local Fort Collins community in the form of community volunteering, high school panel or mentoring session, or K-12 events.  
  • Recruit and communicate with volunteers to host effective outreach session(s). 
  • Support the IAGE Coordinator as needed. 

Activities Coordinator:   

The Activities Coordinator’s main responsibility is coordinating Evening with Industry, held each semester before the Engineering Career Fair. On top of this event, the officer’s main role is to collaborate with the President to order food for each general meeting, plan and host the Winter and Spring end-of-semester socials, and plan other one-off SWE activities for members.   

Avg. hours per week required: 2.5 (high during EWI (4-6 hours), low other weeks (1-2)) 

  • Organize, plan, and schedule Evening with Industry by working with the section President and local employers. This includes coordinating and recruiting event sponsors, advertising to students, and communicating with the event space and ESC staff. 
  • Plan and host the end-of-semester activities.  
  • Work with the P-card holder and the sponsoring company to order all food for SWE meetings while maintaining close communication with Treasurer in regard to budget and receipts of purchase. 

Membership Coordinator:   

The membership coordinator’s main responsibility is to promote SWE to grow in its membership and retention numbers. This position includes a wide range of different responsibilities and includes hosting and planning the SWE Welcome Event (SWElcome) in the Fall, and being the team lead to host the Stick with SWE event in the Spring. 

Avg. hours per week required: 2 

  • Organize the SWE Welcome event at the start of the fall semester. 
  • Write Welcome Letter to incoming WSCOE women-identifying first-years inviting them to be members of SWE and to attend the Welcome Event. 
  • Work conjunctly with the Publicity Coordinator and President to send out and advertise the Welcome Event to students 
  • Distribute mailing before August 1. 
  • Advertise SWE at the College of Engineering Student Organization fair during Ram Welcome, by coordinating volunteers and an organization’s booth, as well as other University opportunities that become available. 
  • Be a resource to help students fill out national membership applications and renew their memberships if needed. 
  • Organize Stick with SWE to be held in the early spring, which brings high schoolers to CSU to shadow engineering undergraduates in their classes and promote STEM majors. 
  • Assemble and lead the committee to help plan the event. 
  • Create community and a welcoming environment 
  • Be a resource for students to come to with general SWE questions – be available for a few minutes before and after general meetings to answer questions 
  • Welcome/engage with non-officer general meeting attendees and encourage other officers to do the same 

Mentoring Program Coordinator: 

The Mentoring Program Coordinator oversees the two Mentoring Programs: Peer and Professional mentoring. This role consists of organizing and recruiting mentors/mentees, pairing them and assigning them together, holding socials to allow for networking, and facilitating the growth of these relationships. 

Avg. hours per week required: 2 

  • Coordinate both the CSU SWE Professional Mentoring Program and the CSU SWE Peer Mentoring Program.  
  • Compose and send recruitment email. 
  • Send out social announcements, feedback forms, and related mentoring material. 
  • Facilitate mentor-mentee matching. 
  • Organize a fall and spring mentoring social. 
  • Act as the primary contact for students and professionals in the mentoring programs. 
  • Work with the Outreach officer if appropriate to recruit mentors for panels, outreach sessions, or activities with K-12 students.  

Diversity Programs in Engineering (DPE) and Engineering College Council (ECC) Representative:   

This position is great for people interested in being in a position on the SWE officer team that requires less responsibility and time commitment and is interested in getting to know the other engineering student organizations within WSCOE. This person should be passionate about communicating and working with others to grow the WSCOE student body as a whole.  

Avg. hours per week required: 2 

DPE Responsibilities: 

  • Work with the Outreach and Equity Coordinator in the Engineering Success Center to support of student orgs in the DPE 
  • Attend DPE meetings (aiming to be monthly) to collaborate with the other DPE orgs 
  • Work with SWE President and other members of the DPE orgs to plan DPE socials, workshops, or joint meetings 
  • Communicate and promote events hosted by other DPE orgs 

ECC Responsibilities: 

  • Consistently attend both ECC and SWE meetings and inform both sides of activities and news.   
  • Request funding from ECC for SWE sponsored activities including conferences. 
  • Help with ECC events including, but not limited to: organizing volunteers and planning one activity as directed by the Engineering College Council.